- Personalized treatment
- Neuropathy treatment
- Range of motion
- Joint replacement therapy
- Individualized physical therapy
- Soft tissue management
Rehab Solutions is committed to providing the highest quality rehabilitation services through professionally trained Therapists. We are dedicated to an at-home interdisciplinary team approach in order to maximize:
- Benefits of treatment
- Integration of skills into daily living activities
- Return to the highest level of function in the most appropriate environment
Our Therapists demonstrate compassion and professional dedication in order to enhance Quality of Life for all patients.
Whether a resident requires our Physical, Occupational, or Speech Therapy Services, you can be confident they will receive Quality Care.
A growing demand for excellence, an increasingly competitive environment and regulatory complexities are bringing more and more challenges to at-home physical therapy engagements through home health care agencies. With this in mind, Rehab Solutions works closely with each agency, allowing them to successfully compete in today’s healthcare environment while providing the highest quality rehabilitation services possible for each and every client.